Biyernes, Setyembre 30, 2016


What happens if you declare that you and your colleagues are not just a team, but a family? Family “is a place of unconditional love,”  “The one place you ought to feel safe and valued is your family.” Just as with parenting, “leadership is the stewardship of the lives entrusted to you"

All companies want engaged employees. After all, people who are engaged put in effort that goes above and beyond the minimum that’s required to complete a task. They are less likely to look for another job. And they project positive energy, which improves the mood of other employees and customers.
One way to increase engagement is to foster a “neighbor” relationship.
Research on types of relationships suggests that we can break the world up into several kinds of relationships. I refer to the three that are particularly important in the context of business as strangers, family, and neighbors.
Strangers are people with whom we do not have a close connection; if we need their help, we pay them to provide it. Families are people with whom we have a close bond and for whom we do whatever is needed, often expecting nothing in return. In between strangers and family are neighbors — people with whom we have a reasonably close relationship, who offer us help, and expect help in return.
It’s not good to have a workplace that consists primarily of strangers, because every interaction becomes a fee-for-service transaction and strangers are not motivated to go above and beyond the specific tasks presented to help the organization fulfill its goals. Moreover, the social environment in a workplace full of strangers does not energize employees to want to come to work.
Likewise, it’s dangerous for most organizations to function as a family, because not all employees will pull their own weight. It’s an inefficient and demoralizing way to work.
But with our neighbors, we try to balance what we do for them and what we get from them over time. We construct covenants in which everyone shares a common vision and agrees to do what they can to work toward these common interests.
In a healthy workplace, neighbor-employees work hard, secure in the knowledge that the organization is looking out for them. The organization succeeds because its employees put in a reasonable amount of extra time and effort for each other.
There are several ways to promote a neighborhood in the workplace. At the core of each of these techniques is a demonstration that the organization has a broader vested interest in its employees. This reassurance is particularly important for publicly traded companies that are normally focused on improving earnings each quarter.

Miyerkules, Setyembre 14, 2016


(ひきこもり or 引き籠もり, Hikikomori ?, literally "pulling inward, being confined", i.e., "acute social withdrawal") is a Japanese term to refer to the phenomenon of reclusive adolescents or adults who withdraw from social life, often seeking extreme degrees of isolation and confinement.

For one year I was not been able to post anything here. Not that I do not want to ,but because  of the moronic fact that I  cannot remember my password for blogspot. I tried a thousand possible passwords but I just can't break it. Then it just struck me like a bolt of an electric eel that I can reset my password. Damn, I am so stupid. It took me one whole year to realize it. I feel that  I betrayed my loyal followers of this blog (4 thousand este 4 persons ) for nor updating it. 

So I was able to reset my password and now I am so excited like a child who just got a new  airplane toy, ready to launch and crash it till it breaks. After a whole year had passed, I  have to work hard to cope up with missed posts. To show you that I am not in a Hikikomori mode for one year I am gonna post some pictures to show you that I did not withdraw from social life.


Huwebes, Setyembre 10, 2015

Spirit Week 2015

Coming off from a very stressful week, Spirit week has been a  short respite, a time to be amused by what students will wear. I found myself to be suddenly immersed to it by my colleagues. Never had the intentions to participate but the enthusiasm shown by my sisters in the Library has been contagious that I had to squeeze out my  few ounce of creativity just to amuse me, myself and I.

Miyerkules, Setyembre 10, 2014


Taking Group Pictures has been always a challenge. I always have someone not looking or posing properly . You also have to be aware of the focusing, exposure, shadows and lighting to be the same for all the person that are in the photo.

Biyernes, Hulyo 25, 2014

Baby Art

Just want to share some pictures of my daughter Althea .She is such an adorable baby. One day, my other daughter Arianne was playing with an Ipad and she took a picture of our baby. She took these pictures in Mirror Mode and the result was very artsy.

Biyernes, Hulyo 11, 2014

I am a 10. Really?

It's always nice to listen to Motivational Speakers. Anthony Pangilinan, the "Çhief Disturber " was invited to share  to the Brent School Staff about Personality Awareness.

He said that we should always rate ourselves a 10 and  likewise rate others as 10. We should use all that we have not only for ourselves but also for others.We are designed by God to have different personalities so that we can fit in  a role to fit into a system.

"Anthony delivered with passion that created a great impact and motivation to what I can do to improve myself."

Lunes, Mayo 5, 2014

Eastern Samar Trip

Its been a while since I pack my bags for a travel assignment. We were assigned to take photos and videos to show the repair  status of the schools that were being repaired with the help of Brent School in Giuian, Eater Samar. Brent School, thru the leadership of our headmaster, Mr. Dick Robbins is spearheading the program Schools for Schools which tend to rehabilitate schools that were destroyed by typhoon Yolanda.

After arriving in Tacloban from an hour flight from Manila we rode a van from Dup Tours.We asked the driver if we can stop by the famous San Juanico Bridge to snap some souvenir photo.

We finally arrived in Giuian, Eastern Samar after 4 hours of a bumpy ride. 

Here are some photos of the schools being rehabilitated 

Some of the school buildings lined up to be repaired

These are the tents that was provided by Unicef and is being used as temporary classrooms